Interactive Prototype Designs

Why Interactive Prototype Matter?

Creating an interactive prototype allows design teams to hone a product concept before it’s built and launched—saving time, money, and headaches for everyone involved. Prototyping helps designers at every step of the design process, in three specific ways.

  1. Validate early concepts
  2. Facilitate Communication
  3. Refine features and flows

Why Use Prototypes?

Prototyping is an extremely valuable step in the design thinking process. Putting the user at the heart of the process requires you to test your designs on real users—and prototypes make this possible without spending loads of time and money.

No matter how thorough your UX research is, many people find it difficult to truly conceptualize a product until they have it in front of them. Prototypes allow you to iterate, refine, rework, and make improvements until you have a market-ready product.

Different Kinds of Prototypes

Now let’s take a look at some of the different kinds of prototypes you might use. Prototypes can vary in terms of their form, fidelity, interactivity, and lifecycle:

  • Form: Is it a hand-drawn prototype, or a digital one? Is it for mobile or desktop?
  • Fidelity: How detailed and polished is the prototype? You’ll often hear the terms high-fidelity and low-fidelity in relation to prototypes.
  • Interactivity: How functional is the prototype? Can the user click on it or interact with it, or is it view-only?
  • Lifecycle: Is the prototype a quick, disposable version that will be replaced with a new and improved version? Or is it a more enduring creation that can be built and improved upon, potentially ending up as the final product?

Generally, prototypes can be divided into low-fidelity and high-fidelity. Fidelity simply describes how similar to the final product the prototype is; whether it’s an accurate representation of the final product, or more of a basic, early-stage model.

What You Should Do Now

Prototyping and testing go hand in hand, so once you’ve created a prototype, you’ll need to put it in front of real users. You’ll observe how they interact with the product in its current state, and ask for feedback on how the experience feels. Through continuous prototyping, you’ll make informed design decisions—iterating your way to an intuitive, user-friendly product that your users will love.

Let's Start Create an Interactive Prototype Design with Us!

Now we know exactly what prototyping is, why it’s so valuable, and what kinds of prototypes we might use throughout the design process. There’s only one thing left to do: create your own with our help!

Get FREE Consultation Now!